Our first dog entered our life in 1975.
I and my wife were jolted in the train when returning home from the lake Balaton after a nice week-end when exhibitors going home from a dog show got into the train in Balatonalmádi.
A couple of our age had a lovely Dalmatian bitch puppy on their lap. They were sitting face to face to us and told us that they wanted to sell the puppy but with no result.
Though we were not rich people, when we saw Alizka, we fell in love with her at once. We had not the slightest intention of buying and keeping a dog in a flat, but we could not simply leave her there. As we had not got a cent, we paid the stipulated price to the puppy seller in two parts later on by post.
We were proud to get off the train in the South Railway Station, Budapest with the charming little „spotty” pup in our arms. Her pedigree name was Katicabogár Carmen Aliz (we also received her pedigree). We were lucky enough to have our flat near the City Park. This is how our real “doggy” life began, spending lots of time each day in the park.
Our son, Viktor, was born shortly after and it did not matter if it was rainy or windy, everybody could find us in the park….
It is a matter of common knowledge that both baby and doggy needs fresh air, walk, company and the incredible good human and doggy relationships. After having done rallye in the park of a quite wide conditon, our „rent a baby carriage” agent was probably showing a shortage as we had to change our baby carriage each half year.
It was Alizka who introduced us into the dog show world and we could know its sunny and dark sides.
Our baby carriage was the best guarded one in the Park, only a few of our friends and a few of her doggy friends could approach our son, Viktor, though first she was not really happy about him.
After one or two weeks she found out that the baby would stay with us, she adapted herself to the circumstances, she even was fully aware of her responsibility and became his devoted guard.
We owe her a dept of gratitude, we „got poisoned” with love for dogs and shows by her.
And how life is….. we managed to move into a house with a garden when she was 9 years old. It is almost incredible, but she did not like it, she was a real city dog, the City Park meant everything to her.
Sadly she did not live much longer with us.
When we lost her, our hearts where broken and we made up our mind not to have any other dogs…. we respected it for a half a year…. then love at first sight hit us…. we conceived a passion for the
Alizka cannot be effaced from our memory never and ever, she always will be the FIRST to us!
But other dogs came into our life who all are deep in our heart and we are grateful to them forever that