Berger des Pyreneés
We received our first Berger des Pyrenées puppy from our Czech friends as a present.
We showed her in lots of dog shows, even in the French Champion Show and she got the Europe Winner title in 1993 in Budapest.
Her name was: BELAMI Z MOGADOR
After having got to know the characteristics, mentality of this breed, and how to live with it, we simply fell in love with these rascally, autonomous, however funny, beautiful and impulsive little creatures.
Living with them is like to have a nice day when SUN is risin in the morning.
Then they do their best to grant you fun in each minute of the day with their incredible love, affection, joy, delight in life and cheekiness.
They ensure you day by day: „How it is great we are living in this World, let’s enjoy the little joys of life together”.
They need to keep an eye on the territory they like and the people living there, and they do want to guard them. They are doing it to the full in an elementary way.
Living with them is somehow like to hug a tinny dynamite.
They are vehement, but their acts are always conscious and deliberate.
As they are distrustful in accordance with the breed standard, you cannot expect them to fall for you at first sight.
However they are more than curious. People having enough patience won’t be disappointed in them, because they like cuddling up to you, but you must not rush to a happy conclusion.
You must not underestimate them, their huge Frenchlike self-assurance goes in pair with a small body.
They are little creatures with huge heart and a pretty little face.
To whom could I suggest to have them?
To be honest, it is a difficult question to me!
To everybody, or rather not to everybody, because you have to know they like barking (of course not without any reason) and it may not be advantageous nowadays because of the people next door.
Their great advantage is that they can live in flats as well as a house, but they absolutely need appropriate daily exercise.
They do not loose hair, they need weekly combing and you will find hairs in the comb only.
Should you decide on this breed, I can assure you that you will not regret you decision, you can be sure you won’t be terribly bored.
With sincere love and respect for this breed:
Jovanovity Klára and István
Berger des Pyreneés
To everybody who likes laughing, who like the everyday petty joys, jokes, immense love and an absolutely reliable companion, to whom you can unconditionally reckon at any time .